We do our best to answer all questions submitted to us; however, given the very large number of people who use and our partner websites, we may not be able to answer every question. Before submitting a question, please review our knowledge base for answers to common questions about search for listings, posting listings. You may also refer to our FAQ for more information.
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Listings in Pending Status due to Verification issues

Listings can be in Pending Status for a few common reasons.

    If you are new to Oodle and have not successfully verified your email address, all your listings will remain in Pending status.
  • Verification Issues:You must find the message we sent to your email address and click the link in the message. For more information and assistance with this check the Registration and Login section of the FAQ Knowledgebase.

  • Bounced Message: The email we sent to your address may have bounced for a different reason. Please visit this article on our Help page and click the link next to the thumbs down icon: "This does not answer my question" to reveal the contact us form for this article.

  • Category Listing Limits: Oodle Marketplace imposes a limit of listings that can be manually posted on our website. Manually posted listings over the limit will be placed in Pending status. Please check this FAQ Knowledgebase article for more information.

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